When Antonio was prepared to ask Jackie to marry him, the weather had other plans. For weeks he had planned to surprise Jackie on one of their regular date nights at the beach, but the rain just kept showing up! Finally, after a promising weather forecast, Antonio took Jackie on their regular date night of grabbing sandwiches and driving onto Robert Moses beach in Long Island. As they sat enjoying the sunset after having some delicious Long Island bagels, Antonio popped the question!

We wanted to go hiking for our engagement photos since that’s something we both love to do! We wanted it to look like us, and something that you would see us doing on a regular day. I opted to wear jeans, and nice sweaters, and I couldn't forget my Kodiak hiking boots!
- Jackie

We have always loved the Adirondacks and go hiking up there a lot with our dog, Bailey. We also love Lake George and both used to go there on vacations during our childhoods, so we thought it was fitting to go back up there for our engagement photos.
- Jackie & Antonio

We loved being able to have our dog with us for our engagement photos, even if Bailey wouldn’t crack a smile!
- Jackie & Antonio

The best part about being engaged so far is how easy wedding planning has been. We have been on the same page about everything which has made it a lot easier.
- Jackie & Antonio

We want a relaxed wedding and we thought the beach was the best place for that, so we are having our wedding at Sunken Meadow State Park in Long Island. We are just so excited to have family and close friends in the same place to celebrate us!
- Jackie & Antonio